Intellectual Property 2005
Enhancing Organizational Value through Intellectual Property: What Directors and Managers Need to Know
Intellectual Property (IP) is the value driver of the 21st century economy. Nations and organisations that know how to create, manage and exploit IP have a significant competitive edge over those that do not. In Malaysia and many other developing nations in South East Asia, the public and private sector are creating more and more IP. Spending on R&D shows an uptrend from year to year – from 2000 to 2002, Malaysia’s Gross Expenditure on Research & Development (GERD) increased by 49.6%.
In Malaysia, revenue generation through IP is still low and a persistent complaint is that many organisations do not know how to manage and commercialise their IP. The Malaysian government, recognizing the value of IP to local companies has recently announced that they will be making available government grants to acquire IP in order to assist local companies accelerate growth.
At this conference, participants will be quipped with the relevant knowledge and skills on how to deal with this 21st century asset.
Download full contents of the brochure and registration forms from
Special rates negotiated for Promuda/MVCA/CIP members at RM1690.
Please write which membership you belong to at the top right of the registration form before submitting to the organiser to get discount.
Intellectual Property (IP) is the value driver of the 21st century economy. Nations and organisations that know how to create, manage and exploit IP have a significant competitive edge over those that do not. In Malaysia and many other developing nations in South East Asia, the public and private sector are creating more and more IP. Spending on R&D shows an uptrend from year to year – from 2000 to 2002, Malaysia’s Gross Expenditure on Research & Development (GERD) increased by 49.6%.
In Malaysia, revenue generation through IP is still low and a persistent complaint is that many organisations do not know how to manage and commercialise their IP. The Malaysian government, recognizing the value of IP to local companies has recently announced that they will be making available government grants to acquire IP in order to assist local companies accelerate growth.
At this conference, participants will be quipped with the relevant knowledge and skills on how to deal with this 21st century asset.
Download full contents of the brochure and registration forms from
Special rates negotiated for Promuda/MVCA/CIP members at RM1690.
Please write which membership you belong to at the top right of the registration form before submitting to the organiser to get discount.