Thursday, October 27, 2005

Perdana Global Peace Forum 2005

Perdana Leadership Foundation will be organising the Perdana Global Peace Forum 2005 on the 15th to 17th of December 2005 at PWTC in Kuala Lumpur.

Spearheaded by YABhg Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, the Perdana Global Peace Forum 2005 will bring together a diverse and select group of current and former heads of state, business leaders, prominent academics, community leaders, other stakeholders and key NGO representatives to discuss and identify immediate and long term practical steps to be taken towards achieving and maintaining peace.

Speakers of high-calibre from all around the world are invited. Some of the confirmed speakers/roleplayers at the event are:
The Hon. BobHawke, The Hon. George Galloway, The Hon. Ms Clare Short, Mr Hans Von Sponeck, Prof Christine Chinkin, Prof Dr Michel Chossudovsky, Mr Denis Halliday, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and Mr Tariq Ali.

From Malaysia, Tan Sri Razali Ismail, Tan Sri Datuk Dr Noordin Sopiee and Dato' Dr Munir A. Majid are among the session moderators. (More about the Forum at the end of this message)

The Forum Needs: Liaison Officers
I sincerely hope that many of you will be interested to play a role in what will be a major event, not just for the Foundation but also for the peace movement worldwide. Your contribution will be highly prized and much appreciated (and acknowledged).

Around Thirty Liaison Officers are needed to accompany the non-governmental foreign speakers/roleplayers during their stay for the event. The estimated dates will be from 14th December (Wed) to 18th December (Sun).

The LOs are expected to take leave on the dates necessary.
There will be a training session by Wisma Putra in November (around the 15th-17th), as well as dry runs before the event, so do anticipate that your time may be required in the months to the date of the Forum itself.

What It Involves:
The Liaison Officers will act as the Assistant to the speakers throughout the conference, handling conference-related issues (timing, logistics, liaising with the secretariat) as well as other (reasonable) needs of the speakers. The duties begin as soon as the speaker reaches Malaysia and ends when the speaker leaves KL.

The job is extremely important as the Liaison Officer will be the speaker's main point of contact with the Peace Forum Secretariat and will also be the window through which the speaker will view Malaysia.

The position is entirely voluntary, but meals will be provided and there will be a car with driver assigned to each speaker so transport arrangements where the speakers are concerned will be taken care of. The Liaison Officer will be expected to accompany the speaker wherever he/she travels (within KL).

While there are no monetary "perks", the officers will get the chance to be closely involved in what will be an international event with a conscience. As the forum will be via invitations, each officer will have the opportunity to attend the talks as well as ancillary events (luncheons, dinners, etc). The event also offers tremendous networking opportunity for the officers involved.

Who We Need:
Liaison Officers are expected to be articulate, knowledgeable in national and international issues (you still have time to read up!), mature, presentable and dependable. The ability to converse in foreign languages will be extremely advantageous!

What to Do Next:
Please submit to your CV by the 7th of November 2005. If you can include a short cover note on why you're keen to play a role, all the better. If not, I hope your CV will do you justice! We will get in touch with you to let you know of the next step.

Questions: Direct your queries / apprehensions to

More About the Peace Forum
Spearheaded by YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and the Perdana Leadership Foundation working together with Aman Malaysia and the World Peace Foundation, the forum's intention is to strengthen the peace momentum that is gathering worldwide until peace becomes a necessary part of policy-making and candidates running for government will only be elected if they champion the cause of peace and give priority to peaceful solutions to theworld's conflicts instead of resorting to military action.

Objectives of Forum
1. To serve as a platform for constructive input for the challenges of the 21st Century
2. To increase awareness of the impact of war and the benefits of peace
3. To facilitate the socio-political dialogue regarding peace issues
4. To promote a "culture of peace" by making peace a central issue for all candidates for top executive and legislative posts
5. To appeal to appropriate political representatives prepared to support the causes of peace and accept the challenges of the 21st Century
6. To facilitate dialogue with all participants, as well as underscore the importance of respecting the opinions of all participants and recognize the right of divergent views as a basis for a peaceful solution to conflicts.
7. To ensure each and every delegate walks away from the Forum inspired and committed to the issue of peace and will in one way or another volunteer to work for Peace.
8. To have a firm plan of action to move forward on the peace agenda.

Topics include:
The Future of Peace Building, Reaping the Peace Dividend; China's Role in Preventing Future Wars; War against Terrorism: The origins and threats to world peace; War Crimes; Globalization and War; The Media and Terrorism and Religion and Religious Extremism.

The Forum is to become an annual affair with a permanent secretariat for peace established at Perdana Leadership Foundation (PLF) where key organizations, institutions and individuals will work to push forward the Agenda for Peace. Smaller events can be organised throughout next year in the run-up to the next Peace Conference.

Monday, October 10, 2005

The Global Knowledge Partnerships Youth Social Enterprise Initiative

The Global Knowledge Partnership's Youth Social Enterprise Initiative (YSEI) fellowships are designed to help young social entrepreneurs achieve their goals, from the initial idea through to project implementation and impact creation. We seek to support projects by young people (age below 30) who are creating impact with innovative solutions to social problems, especially those using information and communication technology (ICT). YSEI will support fellows by providing mentorship and training programmes; networking; and seed grants up to US$15,000 per project.

If you are a young social entrepreneur (age below 30) in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Philippines and Malaysia in search of support and opportunities, please visit to find out more about YSEI, and submit your application.